Kiosk Mode
Tiger Pantry

Hello and Welcome!

Welcome! Tiger Pantry is a free on-campus food pantry for MU Health Care and Mizzou students, staff, and faculty. Anyone who is using Tiger Pantry for the first-time will need to fill out this form. Please complete this form whether you plan to shop in-person or utilize curbside pickup.

This form is NOT used to qualify for assistance and the information you provide is confidential. The form is simply used to report to The Food Bank. All current MU Health Care and Mizzou students, staff, and faculty are able to use Tiger Pantry's services.

Additional household members: The amount of items households receive from Tiger Pantry depends on the size of a household (the number of people in that household). To ensure your household receives the proper amount of assistance, please add additional household members at the end of this form. Roommates are counted as separate households. Roommates must register separately but can pick up each other's items if you are listed as a proxy (alternate pickup person).

There is a question asking for an Identification Number. You can enter your student or employee ID number, or leave it blank as it is not a require question.

Thank you!

Let's get started with
a simple verification step.

This security measure ensures that
your information will be submitted correctly
and prevents unauthorized entries.

Questions? Contact Tiger Pantry at 573-882-2418